Watercolours 2019
Valentino’s Drawing Room, with Fernand Léger’s Peinture Murale (1932) above a Ming-dynasty tiger on the mantel
Conversation (chinese silk with chrysanthemums)
De Kooning’s Untitled XIV (1982); at left, an 18th-century faience lion sits on a 19th-century marquetry table, in front of a 19th-century Italian geometric mirror.
Modern Classic,
By the Linda Benglis Pour,
Groups of women and men,
18th-century Faience Lion,
Yellow and blue Faience Lion,
Couples laughing,
Conversation (Hermes handbag),
Conversation (Broken Tree in Bronze),
Vertical stripe Skirt,
Interesting Heels,
Jade Ming Dynasty Tiger,
By the Barye Bronze,
Premiere Front,
Premiere Back,