
Alison Jones, Josephine Meckseper, Martha Rosler, Milly Thompson, Nicole Wermers
LGP, Coventry
14 January - 19 February 2012
LGP presents Évasion, an exhibition which performs genuflection before the neo-liberal imperative - institutional critique in f&*k-me shoes.
Évasion considers the luxury magazine and the veils through which the amorous glances of commodities charm and fascinate with their illusions: Identification, Aspiration, Wealth, Social Superiority, Luxury, Distinction—all imbricated in an orgy of bourgeois values.
To-be-looked-at-ness and being-for-others are the enduring signs of women’s asymmetric relation to power, insistently pervasive throughout the private world. The elliptic worlds of Fashion, Art, Media, Entertainment circle each other in the galaxy of F-A-M-E and the nexus is money.
The ultimate co-dependency is the artist guiltily producing recherché commodities which furnish glamorous lifestyles within this realm.